Nope! You don't have to go to law school to become an AVSA judge. This year, MVAVC plans to have a Judging School at the 2019 Fall Convention in Omaha, October 4th-5th.
How do you become an AVSA judge? Here are the requirements from the May 2019 AVSA News for Members:
1. Be a member of AVSA in good standing.
2. Grow at least 25 varieties of violets.
3. Purchase (and study) the AVSA Handbook for Growers, Exhibitors, and Judges.
4. Earn and have proof of three blue ribbons (at least 2 must be for violets in horticultural classes - 1 may be for gesneriads or designs.)
5. Attend an AVSA Judging School and pass the test with a grade of 75 or above.
AVSA is having a Judging School at the Annual Convention in Houston. Deadline for registering for the AVSA Convention Judging School in Houston is May 10, 2019. See the AVSA website for more details, avsa.org.
If you can't make it to the AVSA Convention Judging School, please consider MVAVC's Judging School this fall in Omaha! More details about the Judging School will follow and be found in the MVAVC newsletter, the MVAVC's Facebook page, this blog.
You, too, can be a judge. No law school required! And, AVSA needs judges in many areas of the country. If you are not a judge now, consider becoming one!