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Joining MVAVC is easy!
How can I join MVAVC?
Membership in MVAVC is open to members of the African Violet Society of America.
Why be a member?
MVAVC members enjoy fellowship, fun, and growing tips. We meet two times per year in the spring and in the fall for our annual convention and show. Members also have access to the members-0nly part of this website and the quarterly MVAVC newsletter.
Not a member of the AVSA?
Not a problem!
You can join the AVSA by going to the AVSA website: or use the button at the bottom of this page.
What's stopping you? Join now!
Annual Dues (June 1-May 31) are $15 for individuals and $17.50 for families or groups. Partial year memberships are available at 1/2 price after December 1.
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