Joyce Stork posted a great reminder (with the assistance of a young friend) in the AV Facebook groups that now is the time to get your convention virtual entries submitted for this year's Virtual Violet Convention.
You can access all you need to know about the virtual AVSA convention at this site: https://africanvioletsocietyofamerica.org/virtual/. Entries are being accepted until midnight on May 25th, so there is still time to get your show stopping violets entered. Come on, MVAVC Members! Get those entries submitted now!
Make sure when you visit the site that you check out the Schedule of Events on the right-side of the webpage. Plans to "attend" the programs by Minh Bui, Dale Martens, Annie Rieck, and Glenda Williams and see how much fun grown people can have with plants!
I echo the thanks in AVSA President Sue Ramser's convention message. AVSA is blessed with great people in leadership who do think outside of the box! Thanks to Susan Anderson, Mary Corondan, Candace Baldwin, Tom Glembocki, Joyce Stork and a host of others who are making Virtual Violets 2020 possible!
Stay healthy and keep growing!
The Web Novice