MVAVC has one Oklahoma affiliate.
Darwinek [CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)]
African Violet Society of Greater Tulsa
Tulsa Garden Center
2435 South Peoria Ave
Tulsa, OK 74114
Meeting Times: Third Monday each month, 7:00 p.m.
Contact #1: Sherrie Wallace
Address: 15076 W. 61st St. So.
City: Sand Springs, OK 74063-3601
Phone: 918-245-3199
Email: wallace4@hotmail.com
Contact #2: Judith M. Carter
Address: 1825 W. Lincoln St.
City: Broken Arrow, OK 74012-8509
Phone: 918-355-8020
Email: judithmcarter@valornet.com
Notes: The Tulsa Garden Center is a mansion at the back of Woodward Park. Annual show/sale is held around the last Saturday of February at the Tulsa Garden Center. Annual Fall Sale the first Saturday of October at the Tulsa Garden Center. Please contact for precise information. Visitors are always welcome!
Information updated: 2/15/2018. Source: www.avsa.org.