I hope this post finds you and yours weathering well the COVID-19 pandemic and occasional spring storms!
It has been an eventful several months for me. Since last October in Omaha, I have been in "survival mode" keeping-up with work and tending to my elderly parents. Mom and Dad both entered hospice at the end of November. Mom passed away in late January.
It hasn't been that long ago since she died, but with all that has transpired in our country and the world, it seems like this past January is years ago. I am grateful for the time we had with my Mom, that we were able to celebrate her life with friends and family. I am also grateful that I get to see my Dad daily -- notwithstanding the COVID-19 lockdown -- provided I pass the screening, have a good temperature, and wear my mask. For the most part, I am working from home and going out to see my Dad once a day and sometimes to run an occasional errand.
It has taken me almost a year and all day today to finally figure out (I think) why members were having trouble navigating the MVAVC website. I am sorry for my goof-ups and any inconvenience it caused, but I hope the fixes I have made today will help you enjoy this website going forward.
A couple things to note:
First, when you go to MVAVC.org, on the home page,

you will see that the menu that runs horizontally across the top of the page has been expanded. When you click on "News," you will see a new page for "Current Newsletter" and a new page for "Member Memories from Fall 2019 in Omaha." Both of those pages are for "members only." The "Member Memories" page includes Randy Deutsch's great pictures from last Fall's Convention, plus some pictures of members and friends who attended last year's banquet that I took. If you are a current paid member of MVAVC, when you click on either "Current Newsletter" or "Member Memories from Fall 2019 in Omaha,' you will then be taken to a page that looks like this:

If you are already a site member click on "Log In." Once you log in, you should be able to access those new pages. if you are not yet a website member, please sign-up and wait for the webmaster person (me) to approve your membership. Of course, when you land on the home page, you can log-in to the website right away and when you do, you will have access to all the members only pages.
Also on the home page menu, you will find a tab for "MVAVC Archives & History." This is a work in progress and, I hope, ultimately, will house our history archives in a digital format.
Clicking on that tab will take you to the first page of the MVAVC Archives page. Some of the content is public, such as the information about the Tulsa Convention and the MVAVC Hybridizer Project. The Newsletters and Bylaws & Standing Rules, however, are all members only pages. So, to access them, you will want to be a paid MVAVC member and have been approved to access those items on the website.

Questions? Please send me an email. That's it for now! Stay safe and healthy! Next time, let's talk plants, okay?
The Web Novice