It's been an eventful few months since my last blog post.
My computer hard drive, on an otherwise trusty Lenovo X230 Tablet, decided it was done a few weeks ago. I knew its days were numbered due to my computer not wanting to accept Microsoft's latest updates. Then followed the dreaded BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) and grinding noises from below the keyboard. Not good!
Fortunately, I had fairly recent back-ups for my information. Also, most fortunately, inexpensive replacement drives are available. Some internet research on my phone and over lunch breaks at work, a trip to Best Buy, some more internet research for fix-it guidance, lots of hours later reloading programs, and I am back in business. It was a learning experience, but not one you would want to repeat anytime soon.
Spring shows are in full swing and many of us are getting ready for the trek to the big show in Houston, the AVSA 2019 Convention. I hope to see many MVAVC members in Houston this year. You can still register by downloading registration forms, getting them filled out and submitted to Amy. Just go to and click on the Convention tab.
The Houston Convention promises to be another "don't miss" event. Growers in Texas are among the best. There will be some wonderful competition and great fellowship in store, beautiful plants, and lots of fun. Make sure you bring your well-packed billfold for the sales room and for the annual auction too! If you can make it to Houston, please do! No doubt you will have a wonderful time.

Happy Easter and Happy Passover to all!