Just when you thought you couldn't make it another day in the depths of winter on the Great Plains, we get great news and something to look forward to this fall.
Here's a special announcement from our MVAVC President, B.J. Ohme:
I am pleased to announce the Omaha African Violet and Gesneriad Society is hosting the MVAVC Fall Show and Sale. The dates are October 4th and 5th! The event will be held at the Ramada Inn in Omaha located at the corner of Interstate 80 and 72nd Street, very easy to get to. The hotel recently completed a renovation -- including all of the sleeping rooms. The show room and sales room combined are 5,500 square feet with excellent lighting. If enough people sign up for judging school the plan is to have one. And the hospitality room is located very conveniently in the same area, and it's huge too! I hope as many members as possible will plan to attend, it promises to be an outstanding event.
From your blog editor: Many thanks to the Omaha African Violet and Gesneriad Society for graciously inviting us to Omaha this fall! Thanks to Randy Deutsch for all of the important leg work and negotiations to make our visit to Omaha this fall possible!
Now, let's get growing!